In Prolessa Duo: The Money Burner Part 1, we showed you how half of the “duo” is worthless. With that being said, we are leaving the palm oil and oat oil completely out of our dupe. The only thing they are burning is money in your budget.

Now it’s time to tell you about the product we selected as our dupe. Our initial search for a comparable CLA powder revealed there wasn’t an acceptable option, mainly because CLA isn’t proven very effective, making the selection very limited. If you still feel like you want to use a CLA in your diet, a liquid CLA capsule would be the most practically priced choice. You can find them in stores and online.

For our dupe, we chose to go with an MCT oil powder. Based on our research, this was the best fit taking into consideration price and taste. It is also clinically proven as a weight management supplement. Now, I’ll try not to bore you with the science.


What are MCTs?

MCTs are Medium Chain Triglycerides.  These are fats that are shorter in length than your average fats found in cooking oils and other high fat dairy products. MCT oil has been found to metabolize faster, which allows it to be used as a fat loss and endurance supplement.  Since they are shorter than long chain triglycerides, MCTs have different structures and properties than other fats and oils. MCT oils have been well document for their ability to aid in fat and weight loss.

Most of the foods we consume don’t contain MCTs. The two major sources are coconut oil and palm kernel oil, with coconut oil having been documented as the best source. Since MCTs are more water soluble than long chain triglycerides, they are transported in the blood and metabolize quickly, which makes them less likely to be deposited into body fat.

What makes MCTs better than CLAs?

 MCTs start to work almost immediately after they are consumed and result in increased thermogenesis. Because they are absorbed and metabolized quicker, they act more like a carbohydrate than a fat.  Studies have shown that the digestion process of MCTs causes the body to burn more calories, increasing resting energy expenditure. They have been shown to be effective for long term weight loss as a result of their effect on appetite suppression. 

Studies have also shown that supplementing with MCTs resulted in increased energy and body fat reduction. Supplementing with just 5 grams per day for 12 weeks while dieting led to an additional 58% loss of body fat as compared to using long chain triglycerides.   I've included a list of studies for those who want to dive into the research for themselves.

Research Studies:

Increased Satiety

The term "satiety" means to feel full. This would be the failed part of the "duo" that is the defunct powdered SLIMshot. Plenty of research shows that MCTs increase satiety, which is primarily due to the production of ketones, making people feel fuller for longer. Feeling full naturally leads to consuming less calories. The combination of satiety and increased resting energy expenditure is the perfect recipe for successful fat loss. 

Side Effects

Like CLAs, MCTs have been known to cause upset stomach when taken alone. They are also most effective when used alongside other carbs. It’s recommend to start off with a small volume of MCTs and work up to the recommended dosage to avoid GI issues.


THE DUPE: Quest MCT Oil Powder

When deciding on the best product to use as our dupe, we focused mainly on the "Donut Shot" being pushed by these popular "nutrition shops." One of these "donut shots" usually sells for about $4.50 by itself, $4.00 if added to a combo, and slightly less if used as an add-on to a shake or coffee. Usually, it contains a single serving of Prolessa Duo. 

Why we chose Quest


The Quest MCT Oil Powder fit the bill. It's almost the exact weight in grams per serving, calories, and even better on carbs.  It's also flavorless and dissolves easily. When using it as a donut shot or as an addition to coffee, we found no issues with the product clumping. The Prolessa Duo comes in a 30-day supply, but the Quest MCT Oil Powder actually has 50 servings per container. A few other positive aspects we found:

  • 7g of MCTs per serving
  • 100% Coconut Derived 
  • 67% Caprylic Acid (C8) & 33% Capric Acid (C10)
  • Uses corn fiber (a low glycemic ingredient)

MCT Oil vs. MCT Oil Powder

Nutritionally speaking, they are the same. Each serving contains the same ingredients as the liquid form. The only difference is one is a liquid and one is a powder form. Powder tends to be easier on the stomach than the oils.

Other information worth noting

  • Contains milk-derived ingredients (allergens)
  • Soluable fiber may not be for everyone


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We've selected this product based on all the factors noted above. However, there are plenty of other MCT oil  powders on the market that may better suit your needs. Oils are reported to have a slightly stronger impact on GI related issues, so a powder form may be the better option. A few substitutes we liked:

  • Carrington Farms MCT Oil Powder
  • Garden of Life MCT Oil Powder